- Last updated 5.8.2016 -
Papercuts on fingertips
I am Rami Markus Maunula (IRC nick Raimu) and this is my page, barely resurrected from the halfway of noughties and aching for some major updates, but the process is vast and limitless, good things take time, these dismal linguistic shibboleths abound in the Internet and promises like these are easily broken as months roll into a crevice and soil dumped on them.
The playlist.
All the updates and history - a fractured diary of sorts
My essays, rants and other texts. Somebody would call them miscellaneous whining.
The ubiquitous random crap directory. Mostly not by me.
Extraneous: My Facebook profile, because I need yet another way of becoming an utter social reject.
Extraneous: The bilingual blog. Updated every now and then. Mostly then.
Lists of gaming gear. Games/hardware that I want and ones I already have, plus trade/sell fodder
Music I have / want, plus movies I have / want
All these games that I have done (That's the Jakes, t/X and SSS)
The quest for Electrascope, the great mystery band
Lölsbeck : the darker side of Chris Hülsbeck
Seeing Stars, the lost All About Eve album, up for download!
OUTDATED: My résumé, old descriptions about me and an "infoduction" to the site.
DEPRECATED: The quintessential link page with links to NHL and Resident Evil pages made by kiddies!!1
ANCIENT: The rest; a cleverly titled 'other sections' area.. pics, NES fandom and other old atrocities
RND: The 4chan of my page, a pile of random files in a directory.
Deciphering the page title would reveal this page to be the work of Rami Markus Maunula, who I am. I have chained together the site from various things autobiographical or of an interest, and for further knowledge on the author you should probably read around, as the resumes are old and the collected rants, well, surgical. You can always google for your horror as well.
If you want or need to contact me, mail me at ramiman@hotmail.com or look me up on IRC, because I'm always willing to learn if you've got something to teach (unless it's about coding or Linux). My IRC nick is Raimu, and whenever some Japanese gentleman steals back my limenick, it's Raimu-X. I'm also on Facebook these days. Link above.
When e-mailing me you need to remember that the subject line should resemble something that would actually catch my eye. There's so much spam coming into Hotmail, now, that while imitating porn spam is funny it's also liable to end up in my trashcan with a quick glance, and definitely if your sender name is a generic English one and I don't know you yet. I'm greatly fluent in either Finnish or English only (including annoying combinations thereof), so mind the language barrier.
Want to bookmark my site for later visits or to clutter up the bookmark list? Calling them favorites in favour of bookmarks sounds kind of iffy, it really does, and a soul paranoid would come to the conclusion that such a substitute is mainly required because the very word "book" defaults with negative implications in the minds of the many - a recollection of the so-called Book of the Dead, anyone? I would certainly prefer it to be only "some", if "any", but people are indeed people. The official URL should be http://www.kameli.net/~raimu/ and substitutions should not be accepted. Everything else is gone, baby, gone.