I once stated that you weren't going to find bloody useless or obvious links here. As time went on, though, a number of the unusual links became common. That's the power of foresight that I possess... I can rise you up to be the King of Internet, or bring you down just the same! Mwah!

A link may be down, but I do correct or at least mark them whenever I notice. Not to say that links will be fixed instantaneously in a magical fashion right after they expire, or that I'll put up mirrors of the site, based on the pages I've crawled and hoarded before death.

Go to it, and good luck.


Heavily gaming-related

But wait. There's more.

Items you can pick up and try using on everything else

What passes for entertainment around here

Wanna vent your frustrations? Why not write up an awful web comic! Cheaper than sniping schoolyards, but less fun and not as useful.
So what's the worst one? Well, I'm too socially aware to throw names, but its idiocy surely can't be challenged very easily.

Delusions of aurality

That's it, but there's the distinct chance that a link launches you off to an unknown quadrant of the galaxy...
...from which you may never return...
...or recover.
So, we do understand if you're reluctant about it. Go home and cry alone. Also remember - down and not across.

I'm just too scared Jim, let's get back.