Huh? Wizards and Warriors?

Yeah. I know.
It isn't exactly Final Fantasy, not quite Castlevania nor Ninja "Shadow Warrior" Gaiden,
and neither a Color Dreams series (And thankfully so) but this is a shrine to it.

So why, eh ?

I liked the W&W series on the NES when I was a kid. I still do.
Rough as they are, ridiculously challenging as the first game is
if you're trying to complete it without using the shameful Continue option,
and absolutely fucking challenging Ironsword is period,
they do indeed have a special place in my heart
and it's not all that often that a NES series not from Japan
actually managed to be (any) good to begin with, eh ?

Of course, doubleyou et doubleyou was created by Rare of
gaming goodness spanning quite a couple of consoles fame..

So now do you see why shrine this stuff ?

It also happens to be one of my reasons to write up this slice
that during all of my travels to, through and throughout the vast, colossal
Internetification of all things NES I'm yet to see a single fucking Wizards and Warriors page
(Yet there are millions of sites decipting Sephiroth's arse)
so it's a bloody good time to write one up for people to see.

Actually, the bloody good time to do it was really months earlier than
when I actually started to write this thing up
but I'm such an unforgivably lazy bastard that I got this thing done only now.
That's me for you. Err, now what did that sound like ?

Uhh, yeah. That's it really.
Feel free to head a tad back now.